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How to Prune Crape Myrtles the Right Way and Avoid “Crepe Murder”


Why Prune Crape Myrtles? 

Pruning crape myrtles isn’t just about aesthetics, though that is important too! Here are some of the benefits: 

  • Maintains a natural form: Proper pruning encourages a strong branching structure that can support the weight of blooms. This prevents weak, drooping branches.
  • Increases flowering: Pruning removes excess growth that can crowd out flower buds. This allows for better air circulation and sunlight penetration, both of which contribute to more blooms.
  • Reveals beautiful bark: Mature crape myrtles develop stunning, multi-toned bark on their trunks. Pruning allows this bark to be showcased in all its glory. 

When to Prune Crape Myrtles

The best time to prune crape myrtles is in late winter, just before new growth begins. This is typically from mid-February to mid-March in most southern regions. Here’s why late winter is ideal: 

  • Easy to see the branch structure: With the leaves gone, you can easily assess the tree’s framework and identify any branches that need removal.
  • Doesn’t affect blooming: Crape myrtles bloom on new growth, so pruning in late winter won’t sacrifice any flowers. 

Tools You’ll Need

  • Hand pruners: For twigs and branches less than ½ inch thick.
  • Loppers: For branches ½ inch to 1½ inches thick.
  • Pole pruners or pruning saw: For branches thicker than 1½ inches. 

How to Prune Crape Myrtles the Right Way

Here’s a step-by-step guide to pruning your crape myrtle for optimal health and beauty: 

  1. Reduce the Number of Trunks (if necessary): Crape myrtles naturally have multiple trunks, but you can limit them to improve form and prevent overcrowding. Choose 3-5 main trunks with good spacing and remove any extras by cutting them back to the ground.
  2. Remove Suckers: These small shoots that sprout around the base can become unruly if left unchecked. Pull them out now to keep your crape myrtle looking neat.
  3. Raise the Canopy: For a more tree-like appearance, remove any branches extending from the trunk below 5 feet (or higher for larger trees). This allows for air circulation and creates a more open feel.
  4. Thin the Upper Branches: Focus on removing inward-growing branches, rubbing branches, and dead branches. Make clean cuts just above an outward-facing bud or at the branch collar (the swollen area where the branch joins the trunk).
  5. Remove Seed Pods (optional): While not necessary, you can remove seed pods if you find them unsightly or if they weigh down the branches. However, leaving them on won’t affect flowering next year. 

Restoring a Butchered Crape Myrtle

If your crape myrtle has already been a victim of “crepe murder,” don’t despair! Here’s how to get it back on track: 

  • Severe Pruning: If the tree has been cut back to a nub, cut it all the way to the ground. It will grow back quickly. The next winter, select your desired number of trunks and remove the rest. Follow the pruning steps above in subsequent years. 
  • Hat-Racked Crape Myrtle: If the main branches have been pruned to the same height, follow these steps: 
    • Remove any “knuckled knobs” from the branch tops. 
    • Prune off all but a few select shoots that will become the new main branches. 
    • Repeat this process for 3 years, removing any unwanted side shoots. 
    • Train the saved shoots to grow upward and outward, eventually forming a beautiful tree. 

Avoid These Pruning Mistakes

  • Topping: This is the practice of cutting off the tops of branches to control height. It results in weak, unsightly growth and prevents the development of beautiful bark.
  • Pruning in Fall: Fall pruning removes new growth that could protect the tree from winter damage. It also leaves an unattractive, pruned look throughout the winter. 

Local Marietta, GA Tree Service

If you have questions or concerns about your trees in Marietta, GA, don’t hesitate to contact Joshua Tree Service. We offer a free consultation and can help you determine the best course.

Tree Trimming vs. Tree Removal: Keeping Your Marietta Landscape Thriving


Trees are majestic additions to our properties, providing shade, beauty, and even habitat for wildlife. But sometimes, trees can become overgrown, diseased, or simply outgrow their designated space. This can lead to a dilemma: should you trim the tree or remove it altogether?

Here at Joshua Tree Service, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy and vibrant landscape in Marietta, GA. This blog post will help you navigate the decision between tree trimming and tree removal, considering the benefits and drawbacks of each option.

Tree Trimming: Maintaining a Healthy & Manageable Tree 

Tree trimming involves the selective removal of branches with the goal of improving the overall health, appearance, and safety of a tree. Here are some key benefits of tree trimming:

Tree Removal: When Trimming Isn’t Enough 

While tree trimming offers numerous advantages, there are situations where tree removal becomes the most appropriate course of action. Here are some indicators that a tree might need removal:

Consulting a Certified Arborist in Marietta 

Making an informed decision about tree trimming or removal often requires the expertise of a certified arborist. A certified arborist can assess the health and condition of your tree, recommend the most suitable course of action, and ensure the work is completed safely and properly. Here at Joshua Tree Service, our team of ISA-certified arborists can provide a comprehensive evaluation of your trees and guide you towards the right decision for your Marietta property.

The Takeaway: Prioritizing a Healthy & Beautiful Landscape 

Ultimately, the choice between tree trimming and removal depends on the specific situation and the long-term goals for your landscape. By understanding the benefits of each option and consulting with a qualified arborist, you can make an informed decision that promotes the health, beauty, and safety of your Marietta property.

Contact Joshua Tree Service Today! 

If you have questions or concerns about your trees in Marietta, GA, don’t hesitate to contact Joshua Tree Service. We offer a free consultation and can help you determine the best course of action for your trees, whether it’s trimming or removal. We prioritize the health of your trees and the beauty of your landscape.

The Average Price to Cut Down a Tree in Marietta, GA

The Average Price to Cut Down a Tree in Marietta, GA

Thinking About Tree Removal?

Ready to call a tree service company for your Marietta, GA property? You’re not alone. Trees add beauty and value to our homes, but sometimes they need to come down due to safety concerns, disease, or simply outgrowing their space.

Understanding the Average Cost

Here at Joshua Tree Service, we understand that tree removal can be a significant project. One of the most common questions we hear is: “How much does it cost to cut down a tree?”

This blog post will give you a good starting point for understanding the average price to cut down a tree in Marietta, GA, and the factors that can influence the final cost.

The Average Cost

In Marietta, the average cost to remove a tree falls around $850. However, it’s important to remember this is just a general estimate. The actual cost for your specific project can vary depending on several factors.

Factors Affecting the Price of Tree Removal

Tree Size

Generally, the larger the tree (diameter and height), the more complex and expensive the removal will be. This is because larger trees require more manpower, specialized equipment, and time to take down safely.

Tree Species

Hardwood trees like oak tend to be denser and more challenging to remove compared to softer woods like pine.

Tree Health

Dead or diseased trees can be more hazardous to remove, potentially increasing the cost.


Trees near power lines, buildings, or other obstacles require more careful planning and execution, impacting the price.

Ease of Access

If the tree is difficult to access with heavy machinery, it may require additional labor or techniques, driving up the cost.

Stump Removal

Some quotes may include stump removal, while others may not. Be sure to clarify this before finalizing a service agreement.

Additional Considerations

Getting the Best Value for Your Tree Removal Project

To ensure you get the best value for your tree removal project, we recommend getting multiple quotes from reputable and certified arborists like Joshua Tree Service.

Why Choose Joshua Tree Service?

Local Expertise: Marietta Tree Removal

Marietta boasts a diverse range of tree species. Here at Joshua Tree Service, we’re familiar with the common trees in our area, including:

We understand the specific challenges and considerations associated with removing these trees in the Marietta landscape.

Ready to Get Started with Tree Removal in Marietta, GA?

If you’re considering tree removal in Marietta, GA, contact Joshua Tree Service today for a free consultation and quote. We’ll answer your questions, assess your unique situation, and provide a transparent price estimate.

Remember: Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We’re here to help!

Contact us today for a free quote!

Tree Maintenance

Don’t Let Your Trees Become Ticking Time Bombs: Why Regular Tree Maintenance is Crucial Towering trees grace our landscapes, providing shade, beauty, and a vital contribution to our ecosystem. But like any living organism, trees require care and attention to thrive and avoid becoming hazards. Enter tree maintenance, the often-overlooked practice that can save you headaches, heartache, and hefty bills in the long run.

So, why is regular tree maintenance so crucial? It all boils down to safeguarding your property, ensuring the well-being of your trees, and contributing to a healthier environment. Let’s delve
into the compelling reasons why prioritizing tree maintenance should be a no-brainer:

Safety First:

Imagine this: a storm rages, and a weakened branch, neglected for years, snaps, crashing onto your roof or power lines. This harrowing scenario, unfortunately, plays out more often than we’d like. Regular tree maintenance identifies and addresses potential threats before they materialize. Dead branches, diseased limbs, and structural weaknesses get removed, significantly reducing the risk of property damage, injuries, and even fatalities.

Healthy Trees, Happy Trees:

Just like us, trees need TLC to flourish. Tree maintenance includes pruning to eliminate diseased or overcrowded branches, allowing healthy ones to receive more sunlight and nutrients. This promotes vigorous growth, improves overall tree health, and extends their lifespan. It’s like giving your trees a regular spa day, resulting in vibrant foliage, stronger immunity to pests and diseases, and a longer, majestic presence in your landscape.

Beauty That Lasts:

Think of tree maintenance as not just a safety measure, but an investment in aesthetics. By shaping and pruning strategically, you can enhance the natural beauty of your trees, creating a more visually appealing and harmonious landscape. Imagine an expertly sculpted oak framing your entrance, or a row of gracefully pruned maples lining your driveway – they elevate your property’s curb appeal and add a touch of timeless elegance.

Saving You Money:

While tree maintenance might seem like an expense, it’s actually an investment that saves you money in the long run. Proactive care prevents small issues from escalating into costly problems like extensive removals, emergency storm damage repairs, or liability claims due to falling branches. Additionally, healthy trees contribute to lower energy bills by providing natural shade and cooling your home.

Protecting What Matters:

Trees are vital components of our ecosystem, contributing to cleaner air, reducing CO2 emissions, and providing habitats for diverse wildlife. By prioritizing tree maintenance, you’re not just safeguarding your property; you’re actively contributing to a healthier environment for everyone. It’s a small step with a significant impact, ensuring future generations can enjoy the many benefits that trees provide.

Beyond the Basics:

Tree maintenance goes beyond just pruning and trimming. It also encompasses:

Finding the Right Partner:

Investing in regular tree maintenance is crucial, but choosing the right arborist is equally important. Look for certified professionals with extensive experience, proper insurance, and a commitment to responsible practices. They’ll assess your trees’ needs, recommend an appropriate maintenance plan, and ensure the work is done safely and effectively.

Remember, neglecting your trees is like setting a slow-motion timer for potential disaster. By prioritizing regular tree maintenance, you’re making a wise investment in the safety, beauty, and health of your property, your trees, and the environment. Don’t wait for a fallen branch to wake you up – embrace the peace of mind and numerous benefits that consistent tree maintenance provides.

Embrace the Green Guardians:

Treat your trees not just as decorative elements, but as valuable assets deserving of care and attention. By incorporating regular tree maintenance into your property management routine, you’re nurturing green guardians that stand tall, beautify your space, and contribute to a thriving ecosystem. So, let’s celebrate the life and significance of trees, one well-maintained branch at a time!

Safeguarding Your Peace: Choosing the Best Tree Service in Marietta, GA


In the tranquil suburbs of Marietta, Georgia, where the beauty of nature intertwines seamlessly with the comfort of our homes, there’s a special serenity that comes from living amidst the trees. However, as picturesque as it may seem, it’s vital to ensure that your trees don’t become a source of worry and anxiety. Are you running that same scenario in your head about a tree
crashing into your home while your sleeping at night? Don’t let your trees rob you of your peace of mind. This is where Joshua Tree Service, the best tree service in Marietta, GA, comes in.

The Storm’s Surprise:

Imagine a scenario where you’re engrossed in a good book, enjoying the sound of rain tapping on your windows during a storm. The room is filled with a cozy warmth from the fireplace, creating the perfect setting for a peaceful evening. However, nature has its way of surprising us when we least expect it. Lightning strikes, and the calm atmosphere is shattered as a tree succumbs to the strong winds, crashing onto the house. The woman, startled and scared, is left to deal with the aftermath.

Regaining Your Peace:

The narrated message following this unexpected event emphasizes the importance of not letting your trees be a threat to your peace of mind. It introduces Joshua Tree Service, renowned as the best tree service in Marietta, GA, as the solution to avoid such incidents. The key is to proactively trim and maintain your trees to ensure they stand strong against the forces of nature.

Why Choose Joshua Tree Service, the Best Tree Service in Marietta, GA?

How to Contact Joshua Tree Service, the Best Tree Service in Marietta, GA:

Reclaiming your peace of mind is just a phone call away. You can visit Joshua Tree Service’s website at or give them a call at 678-242-9401 to get a
quote today.

Click here to visit our Google Business Page and Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates and customer reviews.


In the ever-changing landscape of Marietta, Georgia, where the beauty of nature surrounds us, it’s crucial to partner with the best tree service in Marietta, GA. Joshua Tree Service stands as a beacon of professionalism and expertise, dedicated to ensuring that your trees enhance the beauty of your property without compromising your peace of mind. Don’t wait until a storm surprises you – take proactive steps to protect your home and loved ones by choosing Joshua Tree Service, recognized as the best tree service in Marietta, GA.